Overnight Parking Back in Force

Per City of Menasha Ordinance 10-1-29:

  • Overnight parking from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. is prohibited during the months of November through March.
  • Parking on an odd / even basis is allowed during the months of April through October.

  • Odd / even parking is determined by the date prior to midnight.  On an odd numbered day of the month, parking is permitted on the odd side of the street.  On an even numbered day of the month, parking is permitted on the even side of the street.  Typically, the even side of the street is the North or West side while the odd side is typically the South or East side.  To verify, simply look at a house number or business address near where you parked.
For example:  On June 6th a driver parks their car in front of their address at 430 First St.  The vehicle would not be in violation of overnight parking when night shift does parking control from 2am-6am on June 7th.

Following the same system, the same driver comes home at 1am on June 7th and parks their car in front of their house.  Because that is the even side of the street and it was June 6th prior to midnight, they will not be in violation.

There are some exceptions to the even / odd parking prohibition by ordinance, specifically Roosevelt Street and Riverway.

Do you have any questions?  Feel free to review the Parking FAQ  or reach out to the non-emergency Police Department at 920-967-3500.